Today, Pakistan stands at a precarious point with our entrepreneurs, financial sector, and government all looking for ways to increase exports without a massive increase in imports. The development of Pakistan’s agriculture is the answer to Pakistan’s macroeconomic instability as well as food security.
In this context, Pakistan Agricultural Coalition announces the Agri-Connections 2023 conference and exhibition which will connect growers, leaders of Pakistan’s financial sector, premier industrialists, top-tier government officials, major donors, and international experts to focus on avenues for moving our agriculture forward.
Pakistan Agricultural Coalition is Pakistan’s leading source of new business models for growth in agriculture with support from Pakistan’s blue-chip business groups as well as donors and government. As the attached event agenda shows, Pakistan Agricultural Coalition has unmatched convening power among the critical stakeholders of Pakistan’s agriculture sector.
This is a ‘solutions event’ which connects directly with Pakistan Agricultural Coalition’s decade-long effort to create the eco-systems in Pakistan’s agriculture that will set it on its rightful path as a key driver of national economic growth and rural prosperity with global connectivity.
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